Monday, 29 November 2010

Little Black Dress Books

If anyone is looking for girly books to read over the Christmas period, check out the novels published by the Little Black Dress Books. The novels are not the typical romantic drama type, rather have unique story lines that are capturing and mesmerizing.

I recently read their novel 'Dogs and Goddesses'. It was an entertaining and intriguing read on ancient Goddesses that descend back to this earth and hear dogs talk. There was a great deal of romance and drama, depicted in a fun and cheerful way.

Monday, 8 November 2010

London Jazz Festival 2010

It's that time of the year - the London Jazz Festival is about to start!

A week full of music performed by professional and more amateur jazz musicians will take over venues around London from this Friday.

Both the paid and the unpaid concerts always enjoyable so try to make it to at least one if you are in London!

Here is more information and the full programme:

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

'Desperately Seeking Paradis - Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim' by Ziauddin Sardar

For anyone on a spiritual or religious journey, or anyone interested in the current political climate, 'Desperately Seeking Paradise' is a must read.
The book is an autobiographical book by a Muslim man who is exploring his religious views and the way to Paradise. It is a very honest, though-provoking story of a Muslim in time of political conflict and turmoil.
The book discusses, questions and proposes ideas on what it means to be Muslim and how best to live one's life with such faith. It highlights the dilemmas faced by Muslims over history and in today's world.
Essentially, the book makes the reader reflect on a number political issues and encourages one to continue on a journey of seeking the paradise.