Thursday, 20 December 2012

Finnish Christmas Traditions

Here is a little blurb about Finnish Christmas traditions for anyone interested.... Wishing you all a wonderful Festive Season and a Prosperous New Year!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Top 100 Names in the UK in 2012

Here is the list of Top 100 Names given to babies in 2012 in the UK!
Probably not surprisingly, Harry is on top of the list for boys (thanks to Prince Harry and Harry Styles from One Direction). But so is Amelia, Lily and Emilia for girls...

Has the Top 100 changed much over the years, we ask...

Monday, 10 December 2012

Our Little Research Study on Autism & Music - Read Online!

Earlier this year, I had a pleasure of being part of a small research team who investigates the use of music with autistic children. The research project aimed to investigate how musical activities could be used beneficially with children who have autism. It was a collaboration between the University of London and the University of Oulu in Finland, and my role in it was of a Lead Researcher and Music Consultant.

We obtained two small grants for materializing the project - one from the Music Sales Charitable Trust (UK) and the other from the Finn-Guild Scholarship Scheme. The latter wanted to promote our wonderful research and so we wrote a small article for their monthly magazine.

Here is the link to the magazine - you can find our study featured on Page 16:

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Benefits of Self-Massage

Self massage is an ancient practice originating from India where it is still performed on a daily basis. Massaging yourself wit oil on a regular basis has many benefits to the mind and body. These include: rejuvenating the skin; balancing the nervous system; lubricating the joints; soothing the endocrine system; and strengthening the immune system. In India, it is believed that if babies are massaged on a daily basis, they will grow into strong and healthy individuals.

Aubri Barnes, a Holistic Health Counselor, has written short instructions as to how to perform self-massage at the comfort of your home. Please take a look at the link below - and treat yourself to an awesome massage! 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The Ministry of Stories

The Ministry of Stories is a creative writing and mentoring centre for young people in east London. The organization uses storytelling to inspire young people aged 8-18, in the belief that writing unleashes their imaginations and builds confidence, self-respect and communication.

Nick Hornby, Lucy Macnab and Ben Payne founded the Ministry of Stories in 2010. In its first year, over 3000 young people took part in our volunteer-led workshops and writing projects. Our inspiration came from the writer Dave Eggers and educator Ninive Calegari, who opened a shop for pirates and writing centre called 826 Valencia in San Francisco.

For more information, please see their website:


Monday, 3 December 2012

Migrant Mum-project in London

I recently had a pleasure to be part of a project called Migrant Mums. The project consists of text and photography, portraying migrant mothers and mothers-to-be living in London. The project illustrates thoughts, experiences and life struggles and triumphs of the participant women.

Two migrant ladies, Yuka and Ryoko, came up with the concept and have interviewed and taken photos of dozens of migrant women living in London.  Yuka was born and raised in New York. She works on the editorial team at Granta magazine ( and writes fiction and non-fiction. Ryoko grew up on the edge of Tokyo in Japan. Since 2006, she has been working as a freelance photographer for magazines in London.  She has done several personal projects about communities and tribes, such as Brazilian-Japanese communities, suburban youth gangs and a senior centre in Islington. Her website is 

The website of the project contains a profile for each mother/ mother-to-be who took part in the project. The leaders of the project are also planning to turn it into a book

The project is still on-going, so if you are migrant mother/ mother-to-be living in London, it is not too late to take part!

Here is the website of the project:

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Alternative London - Street Art in East London

 Anyone who has walked around the East End of London must have noticed the striking graffitis that decorate the area and add to its unique character. You can see graffiti by different street artists simply by walking around on your own, but an excellent way see more of it is by taking part in an alternative tour of London. More information on organized walks and bike tours can be found at: