‘In This World’ is a touching real-life story about two young Afgan refugees who leave their refugee camp in Peshawar, north-west Pakistan, and embark on a dangerous journey towards London where they hope to claim asylum. They travel on land, making their way through Iran and Turkey before being put into a locked container on a ship heading to Italy. Throughout their journey, the youngsters rely on human traffickers and smugglers. In the end, one of the youngsters dies on the ship due to suffocation. The other one finally makes it to London where his asylum is declined and he is asked to leave the country on the day before he turns 18.
Throughout the trip, the lives of the two young men are totally at the hands of others. When one watched the journey that they make, one can’t help but wonder what it takes to want to get away from in order to take the risks that the boys take while hoping for a better life and future.
The film is heart-breakingly beautiful with its elegant footage of the natural beauty of South Asia and the Middle East. Michael Winterbottom has yet again managed to pull together a masterpiece.
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