I recently participated in a Buddhist puja ritual. I have been intrigued by the religion, or rather their philosophy to life, for many years and studied it extensively. I have been practicing meditation and attending talks and events about Buddhism, but never before participated in their ritual.
I found the experience cleansing and invigorating. One does not need to do anything than simply sit and watch as the ritual unfold, equally one can join in the chanting, prayers, giving offerings and reciting of mantras. What I found most empowering about this ritual is that it essentially acknowledges that we all have the Buddha nature in us and can aspire to be the best we can during this lifetime.
In essence, the ritual encourages everyone to aspire to be the kindest, humblest and loving people that we can. It reminds all of us of our true nature and how we can return to our natural state of being.
Here are the mantras that were recited during the ritual:
‘We reverence the Buddha, the Perfectly Enlightened One, the Shower of the Way.
We reverence the Dharma, the Teaching of the Buddha, which leads from darkness to Light.
We reverence the Sangha, the fellowship of the Buddha’s disciplines, that inspires and guides us.’
We reverence the Buddha, and aspire to follow Him.
The Buddha was born, as we are born.
What the Buddha overcame, we too can overcome;
What the Buddha attained, we too can attain.
We reverence the Dhrama, and aspire to follow it,
With body, speech and mind, until the end.
The Truth in all its aspects, the Path in all its stages,
We aspire to study, practice, realise.
We reverence the Sangha, and aspire to follow it;
The fellowship of those who treat the Way.
As, one by one, we make our commitment,
An ever-widening circle, the Sangha grows.’
‘Reverencing the Buddha, we offer flowers-
Flowers that today are fresh and sweetly blooming,
Flowers that tomorrow are faded and fallen.
Our bodies too, like flowers, will pass away.
Reverencing the Buddha, we offer candles.
To Him, who is the Light, we offer light.
From His greater lamp a lesser lamp we light within us:
The lamp of Bodhi shining within our hearts.
Revernecing the Buddha, we offer incense,
Incense whose fragrance pervades the air.
The fragrance of the perfect life, sweeter than incense,
Spreads in all directions throughout the world.’
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